Our affiliate strives to promote active civic engagement by means of political activism that is reflective of our party’s values. Libertarian values include, securing personal and economic liberty, competitive free markets, property rights and voluntaryism. In foreign policy we seek an America that avoids attempts to act as a policeman for the world.

Whether you are a small “l” or large “L” libertarian we encourage you to become acquainted with our Cultural Advocacy subcommittee’s programming. The mission of this subcommittee is to,

“To expose the electorate in Dutchess County and the greater Hudson Valley to Libertarian values through the medium of culture, and otherwise propagate our brand to the wider public.”

If attending a libertarian movie screening, “TED” talks, or book club, participating in voluntaryist roadside clean-ups, “car clinics,” or landscaping for indigent Dutchess County residents threatened by grass-length ordinances, or snow removal for indigent elderly residents, or partaking in, Singles Night, Libertarian Libations (periodic social gatherings) sounds of interest to you, feel free to frequently check out our calendar on our events page.

If you share our values and are running for public office, you may be interested in seeking our endorsement. You can inquire about this possibility by emailing our affiliate at info@dutchesscountylp.org after which our vetting committee chair, Robert Cocomello will contact you regarding an interview and the completion of a questionnaire.