YOU are the Carbon the State Wants to Lower

The cold wave which hit North America this winter has claimed 34 known victims thus far. Those are 34 fellow human beings who died due to exposure. It is a somber reminder that we all are at nature’s mercy but for whatever resources we can employ towards survival.

To that end, governmental proposals to illegalize or tax into obsolescence the means of survival are an assault on our very existence. In New York, a special interest group called the Climate Action Council recently published its plan to “decarbonize” New York’s economy, aiming for 15% net emissions by 2050. The plan restricts overall energy supply and increases demand, which means a bonanza for the Council’s members who include energy industry insiders. Predictably, current energy production facilities – already struggling to comply with environmental regulations – will be progressively decommissioned, in favor of less reliable “green” facilities such as “farms” of wind turbines and solar panels. In turn, cities and suburbs will be corralled into full electrification of heating systems, and of course, everyone will drive electric vehicles, further overburdening the artificially weakened power grid.

In short, this plan WILL kill people, whilst concentrating untold wealth in the hands of governmental cronies.

The Climate Action Council recently published its so-called Scoping Plan, which is quintessential governmental gobbledygook if there ever was. Over four hundred pages of proposals to limit and monitor every aspect of modern life involving use of resources (especially check out how the Council wants to eradicate New York farmers’ livelihood, as was done to farmers in the Netherlands). The main break-down is this; everyone want energy which is cleaner, safer, cheaper and more reliable. Investment will be needed to develop and distribute better energy, but such investment must come from private sources lest we divert public funding to private benefit. Most importantly, UNLESS AND UNTIL we have alternative sources of energy at equivalent levels to protect us from the elements, government should never limit our means for survival!

Daniel Donnelly, Representative, Amenia


Governmental Overreach Stops with You

